
Monday, 7 November 2016

The Gilberthorpe Rebuild - November 7th 2016

Welcome back Gilberthorpe Community,

Thank you for all your comments. It was cool to see so many people viewing our blog.
Many of you asked about the drawings for the rebuild. Here is a slide to show you what our school is going to look like:

Mr Wilkinson also talked to us last Friday about what's going to happen. You can watch the interview below:
Keep a look out next time for photos of the playground being moved....
Jasmine, Emily, Blake, Shikarn, Hayley and Jordan


  1. I like how you've put your own comments on the slideshow with the building pictures. I look forward to reading more of yours and others thoughts on the buildings and the process.

    Very professional interview, it certainly looked very good with the transitions and different camera angles good job crew! Well done on the questions you asked, I got all the information I wanted to know. Good work on asking the hard questions Shikarn you sure know how to get the best information out of Mr Wilkinson :-)

  2. Hey there, It's Miss M here.
    I enjoyed reading your comments about the building and what you like about it. I admire Shikarn's interviewing! It must have been scary to know that you were being filmed for everyone to watch. I think you have done an amazing job Shikarn.
    The facts you have shared are really good. I like how you asked about the colours of the school and I especially like the cost in 600000 cheeseburgers!

  3. kiaora Dream Team, Aryan here checking out your blog!
    I enjoyed how you told us all the facts about the new rebuild.
    I also like how you put little jokes in it!
    Anyways amazing video!

  4. Hi Dream team how's it going I like how you found out what the school is going to look like when its done it's going to be the best school ever and I like the Cafe can i ask YOU a Question in the cafe do some cafe people cook food like a high school would do? cause that would make the school even better and how did you get the designs? The school's gonna be the best school iv'e been to because it has everything that i dreamed it would be like when its done KA PAI!! From Noah.

  5. Easter Esera (parent of Joseph & Peter)10 November 2016 at 11:22

    I have watched the slide show of the rebuild of the new school next year & its gonna look awesome. I like how the Junior Hub & Senior Hub are going to look like thats alot of changes for our new school which is great. I enjoyed watching Mr Wilkinsons interview with Shikarn well done Shikarn your parents would be very proud of you, awesome work on the questions.

    1. Hi it's shikarn thank you for replying

  6. Kia ora koutou.
    I think this video is my favourite for the week. I especially like Mr Wilkinson's acting skills at the beginning when he looks to the door and calls 'Hello?' I watched it a few times actually. Are we sure that no cheeseburgers were injured? Has Mr Wilkinson verified this? Hahaha.
    This is such a practical and informative blog. I love it.

  7. Kia Ora Dream Team
    I starting to wonder if cheeseburgers were harmed are you sure you're not lying because it is possible though I didn't know the buildings were that much.

  8. Gamardschoba Dream Team
    The buildings look really awesome. Nice acting Mr Wilkinson and Shikarn. The editing is really good, Jordan. Are you guys sure there was no cheeseburgers harmed?
    Blog you later.

  9. Kia ora D.R.E.A.M Team.
    That blog post if cool and funny.
    That editing is pretty cool Jordan.
    Mr Wilkinson is so funny in this video I hope he is a lot more of your videos!!!
    I was just wondering, who was behind the seen?
    I am also wondering, is it just one person behind the seens?
    Keep up the AWESOME and FUNNY AS work!!!!!!

  10. Hi D.R.E.A.M. team Tobey here.
    You have a lot of information here and we are all looking forward for the new buildings that are coming.
    Have you thought about the rest of the space we have what is that going to be used for.

  11. The interview was a lot of fun, there were some very good questions asked! I can confirm that no cheeseburgers were harmed...not this time anyway :-)
    A lot has happened since the interview, I look forward to the next instalment from the Dream Team!

  12. Great questions Dream Team! Thanks for keeping us updated. I see that things are starting to change quickly so I'm looking forward to your next post.

  13. Kia Ora D.R.E.A.M Team, Amelia here.
    Wow this is a great post. As Mr Wilkinson said There were good questions from Shikarn. From Mr Wilkinson there were amazing answers.
    Blog ya later
